Windshield Repair in Vermont

Let us put the pieces back together for you. When you’ve had windshield damage, our auto glass shop in Rutland and Randolph, Vermont, provides affordable and complete windshield repair services.

Windshield Repair Services

There was a time when a chip or crack in your windshield meant certain replacement. That’s no longer the case. Modern technology makes it possible to repair windshields that would have previously been scrapped. Not only does this save your windshield, but it also saves you money. Still, the most advanced glass repair techniques have their limits. So, if your windshield is severely damaged, new glass may still be in your future.

How Does Windshield Repair Work?

When a chip or crack occurs, it often spreads into the windshield’s inner layer of plastic, which is sandwiched between two layers of glass. Windshield repair involves an injection of a special resin into the damaged area using a tool that attaches directly to the glass. Once injected, this resin is then cured and polished to restore the clarity and strength to the glass.
In some instances, a drill is used to make a clean passageway to the plastic, where the resin is injected to repair the damage. Think of a windshield repair as first aid that prevents the damage from getting worse. In some cases, it may look nearly perfect, while in others, it could still appear slightly blemished. But, in either case, a proper repair prevents damage from spreading.

Every Chip Is Unique

Rely on the skilled team at A-Team Auto Glass to resolve your windshield problems. Since every chip is unique, some will respond more effectively to repair than others. A repaired windshield will never look as clear as a brand new one. However, we work diligently to make it look fantastic.
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